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Zip HydroTap Filters

Zip HydroTap Filters Image
Spatec distributors of Zip Water filters | co2 cartridges | Hydrotap filters
Distributing Zip since 1992.

Working closely with Zip to ensure our product knowledge, including training of our service engineers is second to none.

If you require any advice on any of these products, please do not hesitate to give us a call.

Zip HydroTap Accessories - replacement filters, scale filters, tap font, CO2 canisters.

To download Zip's UK Specifier Catalogue 2018

Order the new 93702 G4 Filter which has been in supplied in HydroTaps since early 2017!

What do I do when the filter light comes on?

Your Zip HydroTap will let you know when the filter needs replacing.
The change filter light will flash white once per minute until the filter has been replaced, and the filter percentage will show 0% on the home screen.

To order a replacment filter, either
order online
or give us a call 028 92 699200
Zip HydroTap Filters
Multibuy Zip ZT002 (91240) Image

Multibuy Zip ZT002 (91240)
Pack of 10 Zip HydroTap ZT002 (91240) Hydrotap G3 Sub Micron Filter

Zip 91240 Filters Image

Zip 91240 Filters
Zip HydroTap ZT002 (91240) Replacement Hydrotap G3 Sub Micron Filter

Zip 91290 Filter Image

Zip 91290 Filter
Zip ZT402 91290 HydroTap G4 Sub Micron Replacment Filter

Zip Hydrotap G4 residential 93701 filter Image

Zip Hydrotap G4 residential 93701 filter
Zip 93701 Residential 0.2 micron replacment Hydrotap G4 filter

Zip Hydrotap 0.2 micron filter 93702UK Image

Zip Hydrotap 0.2 micron filter 93702UK
Zip 93702 Commercial Hydrotap G4 0.2 Micron Sub Micron Replacment Filter

Zip Hydrotap 3 micron filter 93703UK Image

Zip Hydrotap 3 micron filter 93703UK
Zip 93703UK Commercial Hydrotap G4/G5 heavy duty 3 Micron Replacment Filter

Zip Tap Font and Drip Tray Image

Zip Tap Font and Drip Tray
Zip 90915UK (ZT008) Integrated Tap Font and Drip Tray

95593 Image

Zip HydroTap G4 &G5 Limescale Filter Kit for work

Zip 91295 Image

Zip 91295
Zip 91295 Twin Pack CO2 replacement cylinders for all Zip sparkling units

Zip ZT006 Drainless Tap Font Image

Zip ZT006 Drainless Tap Font
Zip ZT006 Hydrotap Drainless Tap Font

Zip 95602 Image

Zip 95602
Zip 95602 Scale filter for light commercial use

Zip 95601 Image

Zip 95601
Zip 95601 (FL170/FL250) Scale filter for Domestic use